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Fountain Pen Ink Series #1: Inks for School

Interest in fountain pens among students has been increasing, and while there are many resources that help with selecting your first fountain pen for school, there aren’t a lot of recommendations for fountain pen ink suitable for school use.While the options are pretty conservative and limited due to permitted colors, there are a lot of blue, black, red and brown inks out there that you can use for school. Looking at swatches of blue inks alone, for example, can be overwhelming because there are just so many shades of blue available - some that you never even knew existed!For now, here are our top picks: Diamine Asa Blue Asa Blue is named after the Liverpool singer Asa Murphy. Apparently, he...

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De Atramentis Document Ink Review

De Atramentis Document Black & Dark Blue One oft-overlooked property of fountain pen inks is permanence. When choosing inks, people usually ignore whether an ink is waterproof, lightfast, or heat resistant… until they spill a glass of water or their drink of choice on something they’re working on and it turns into a mess that’s smudgy at best and completely illegible at worst. The problem with fountain pen inks is that to lend them the properties that make them such a joy to write with—flow, color variety, shading, and lubrication, among others—some compromises and sacrifices have to be made. In most cases, this means the (admittedly very nice) ink you’re using won’t hold up to a slightly moist finger, let...

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